The Producer Podcast #28 – Kill Shelter – Amazing Songwriting Advice

EDM Producer Podcast show

Summary: Matt Deimos and Punchblade of Kill Shelter join us today to talk about super heavy electronic music, and give us some amazing songwriting tips! DAW of choice: Ableton and Soundforge Workflow: Matt starts with the bass continues into the body of the song, while Punchblade starts with the body. Production tips: Focus on one sound at a time. Training resources: Learn how your favorite producers make their sounds and music. Influences: Mantronix, Man Parrish, Crystal Castles Favorite Softsynth: Used to use Absinth Favorite Effects: Ableton stock effects Hardware: Akai APC40 Successful career actions: Starting their own label Best advice for aspiring producers: Write every track like it’s a set opener. Production most proud of: Sidewinder, Medication, and Glass Planet Kill Shelter Links: Soundcloud Show notes by Sean Hanagan aka Time Aperture Soundcloud