How To Use Emerging Trends To Create Innovation Opportunities? S12 Ep6

Killer Innovations with Phil McKinney - A Show About Ideas Creativity And Innovation show

Summary: Detecting emerging trends and turning them into innovation opportunities can have a dramatic impact on an organization. Where do you find and track these emerging trends? By tracking sites such as <a href="" target="_blank">TrendWatching</a>, you can gain insights into what is changing so that you aren't surprised and are able to create new products and services ahead of your competition.<br> In this weeks show, Maxwell Luthy, Director of Trends and Insights at Trendwatching, shares Trendwatching's methodology to identifying trends along with insights on their their role and impact on creating new innovations.<br> Topics covered in this weeks show includes:<br> <br> * What is a “trend”?<br> * How do you look at trend to understand if its one you should look at?<br> * How do you track trends?<br> * How do you use trends to create innovation opportunities?<br> * What is covered in their book, “Trend-Driven Innovation”<br> * What are the three trends that everyone should know and track? (Hint: It's not about technology)<br> <br> Myths Of Innovation<br> In the fourth segment of the show, Phil's shares the five innovation myths and importance of getting past them.<br> <br> * The Myth of the Ephinany<br> * The Myth of the Innovation Method<br> * The Myth of the Lone Innovator<br> * The Myth that the Best Ideas Win<br> * The Myth that the Boss Knows More Than You<br> <br> About Maxwell Luthy:<br> Maxwell Luthy, Director of Trends &amp; Insights is based in our New York office. He co-authored Trend-Driven Innovation (Wiley, 2015) and delivers lively workshops for leading brands along with insight-packed keynotes at conferences. He previously oversaw the company's 3,000 member spotter network. Maxwell began his career in a London advertising agency, founded a record label, and was a jury wrangler for Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. He has a Joint Honors degree in Economics &amp; History from Bristol University.<br> Show Links:<br> <br> * <a href="" target="_blank">TrendWatching Site</a><br> * <a href="" target="_blank">TrendWatching on Twitter</a><br> * <a href="" target="_blank">TrendWatching on Facebook</a><br> * <a href="" target="_blank">Maxwell Luthy on LinkedIn</a><br> * The book, <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=B019L5CBCE&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=techtrend-20&amp;linkId=N5CBQE2GAODPR6G7" target="_blank">Trend-Driven Innovation: Beat Accelerating Customer Expectations</a> (affiliate link)<br> <br> Listen to this week's show, <a href="" target="_blank">How To You Use Trends To Create Innovation Opportunities? S12 Ep6</a><br>