Jonah Lehrer/IMAGINE: How Creativity Works 06/06/12

ConsciousSHIFT with host Julie Ann Turner show

Summary: IMAGINE: HOW CREATIVITY WORKS with Jonah Lehrer Did you know that the most creative companies have centralized bathrooms? That brainstorming meetings are a terrible idea? That the color blue can help you double your creative output? In IMAGINE: How Creativity Works, bestselling author Jonah Lehrer will share with us a sparkling and revealing look at the new science of creativity. Shattering many creativity myths, Jonah echoes one of ConsciousSHIFT's themes, that creativity is not a single “gift” possessed by the lucky few. It’s a variety of distinct thought processes that we can ALL learn to use more effectively. Julie Ann will explore with Jonah the importance of embracing the rut, thinking like a child, and daydreaming productively ... and then take us out of our own heads to show how we can make our neighborhoods more vibrant, our companies more productive, and our schools more effective. We’ll explore Bob Dylan’s writing habits and the drug addiction of poets ... consider bartender who thinks like a chemist, and an autistic surfer who invented an entirely new surfing move ... see why Elizabethan England experienced a creative explosion, and how Pixar designed its office space to get the most out of its talent. By collapsing the layers separating the neuron from the finished symphony, Jonah will help us see the deep inventiveness of the human mind, and its essential - and conscious - role it can play in navigating, and co-creating in, our increasingly complex world. Join Julie Ann as she interviews her guest on ConsciousSHIFT - Jonah Lehrer, author of IMAGINE, who is also a contributing editor at Wired and a frequent contributor to The New Yorker - to discover how YOU can cultivate YOUR creative genius!