Spilled Milk

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: "Mom, remember I told you about Emily--a new girl in my class at school? She's really nice," reported Heidi one evening. "In art class today, I was looking at the picture she was painting, and my brush accidentally bumped against a corner of it. I was sure she'd be mad, but she was so nice. She said not to worry--that she'd paint over it with another color." "Did that work?" asked Mom. Heidi nodded. "It covered the smudge so you couldn't even see it anymore." As Heidi ate breakfast the next morning, her little brother Jonathan bumped his glass of milk. It tipped over, and before Heidi could get out of the way, milk reached the edge of the table in front of her and flowed down onto her lap. She was furious! "Jonathan, you are so clumsy!" she stormed. "These are my brand new jeans, and now I can't wear them. I'm sopping wet!" She jumped up to go and change. "Leave it to my dumb brother to spill his milk on everything!" Jonathan was tearful. "I'm sorry, Heidi," he whimpered. "I didn't mean to get your clothes dirty." Heidi scowled and turned away. Mom frowned. "Jonathan apologized, Heidi, and he's truly sorry," she said. "Being sorry doesn't make my jeans clean," Heidi muttered as she hurried to her room and changed her clothes. But she felt guilty. When Heidi returned to the kitchen, Jonathan had left, and her mother looked at her solemnly. "You need to remember that we all make mistakes and need forgiveness at times," Mom said. "You owe your brother an apology." She held up a hand as Heidi started to protest. "Remember what happened with Emily's picture yesterday?" Mom asked. Heidi gasped. She had forgotten. "Emily covered the smudge on her picture with more paint," continued Mom. "Proverbs 10:12 speaks of something that covers more serious spots. It says, 'Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins.' I believe you love your brother, but it didn't show this morning, did it?" Soberly, Heidi shook her head. "God says we are to forgive as He does," added Mom. "When we remember how much He loves us and how much He's forgiven, it's a little easier for us to forgive others, too." "I'll go find Jonathan," said Heidi, getting up, "and this time I'll apologize." How About You? Is it difficult for you to forgive others? Even when you love them as God says you should, it's sometimes hard to forgive, isn't it? But think about how often you do something wrong yourself, and remember how much God has forgiven you. Ask Him to increase your love for Him and for others, and to help you forgive as He does. Today's Key Verse: Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins. (Proverbs 10:12) Today's Key Thought: Forgive others