Temporary Tattoos?

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: "Robert says he's going to get a tattoo when he's thirteen--and his parents don't care," announced Levi one evening. "He has it picked out already!" Levi paused. "Next month when I'm thirteen, I'm gonna get one, too," he added. "A tattoo!" exclaimed Mom. "Why would you want one?" "They're cool!" replied Levi. "Everyone is getting them!" Dad shook his head. "Not everyone," he said, "and it isn't legal to get one at your age. Besides, there are health risks involved. But even if there weren't, I don't approve of them at any age." "I don't see what's wrong with them!" protested Levi. He turned angrily and left the room. A few days later, Levi's mother noticed a picture on her son's arm. "Levi!" she exclaimed. "That thing on your arm looks almost like a real tattoo! You know what Dad and I think about them." Levi scowled. "Oh, Mom," he said crossly, "you always over react! This will wash right off." "But look at it! That's not the kind of image you should be wearing even if it is just temporary. Go and wash it off now!" ordered Mom. Levi hesitated and then went to wash off the picture. When he came back, he glared at his mother. "Now are ya happy?" he asked. Mom frowned. "No, Levi, I'm not. I'm concerned about your rebellious attitude lately," she said. "Oh, Mom," grumbled Levi. "You could wash off that phony tattoo, but your rebellion can't be washed away so easily," said Mom. "You need a change in your heart." Levi looked glum and didn't say anything. "Do you think witchcraft is serious?" asked Mom after a few moments of silence. "Well . . . I don't know." Levi hesitated. "Yeah, I guess so." "God says rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft," Mom told him. "They're both from Satan. Long ago he rebelled against God, and now he works to get people to rebel. You may not see your attitude as serious, Levi, but God does. You need to seek His forgiveness and help." How About You? What is your attitude toward your parents and teachers and others in authority over you? What tone of voice do you use when you talk to them or talk about them? Rebellion begins with an attitude. Check yours. God hates rebellion and takes it very seriously. You should, too. Today's Key Verse: An evil man seeks only rebellion. (Proverbs 17:11) Today's Key Thought: Rebellion is serious