Four More Years!...Of GOP Congressional Probes

Unanimous Dissent show

Summary: Republicans in Congress are already telegraphing their plans for a Clinton presidency. They will jam up the gears by launching endless investigations into her dealings. We explain why that might, actually, be a good thing. <br><br>Then, the Two Sams get caught up on the Iran Deal. Can you blame us for not following it closely, though? It’s been non-story after non-story about the agreement, all year! Foreign Policy Journalist Derek Davison breaks down what has been rattling around the Right-Wing Echo Chamber for us.<br><br>Finally, the rise of Wells Fargo, in the past few years, has been upheld as an example of Washington regulators winning the fight against reckless Wall Street firms. Unfortunately for that narrative, the bank was just caught fabricating over 2 million false accounts for customers--a fraud encouraged by compensation packages. Sound familiar?