Breaking into the Romance Genre with Emma Scott–Episode 82–November 25 2015

WRITER 2.0: Writing, publishing, and the space between show

Summary: On episode 82 of the WRITER 2.0 Podcast I was joined once again by romance author Emma Scott. Emma is the author of 4 books—all released in the last 13 months: <a href="">Love Beyond Words</a>, <a href="">Unbreakable</a>, <a href="">Rush</a>, and <a href="">Endless Possibility: A Rush Novella</a><br> In a fun, wide-ranging interview, we discussed:<br> <br> the costume she’ll be wearing to the new Star Wars film;<br> why she often writes the sex scenes first;<br> the most awkward moment she’s had while telling a stranger she’s a romance author;<br> how she uses Facebook to connect with readers;<br> her recent Facebook post that went viral and reached 10 million people;<br> how she managed to release 4 books in 13 months.<br> <br> About our guest:<br> <a href=""></a>Emma Scott writes romances with flawed characters (not just the heroes, but flawed, real women too), in as real a setting as she can make, but with big smooshy, over-the-top Happily Ever Afters. She believes in diversity, open-mindedness, and inclusion in her books and likes sweetness mixed with steam, love conquering all, and above all, hope. She lives and work in the Bay Area, California with her (patient) husband and two sweet little girls. Find her on <a href="">Facebook</a> or on Twitter: @EmmaS_writes<br>  <br>