Books and TV with Drew Chapman–Episode 113–September 23 2016

WRITER 2.0: Writing, publishing, and the space between show

Summary: On episode 113 I spoke to screenwriter, director, and novelist Andrew (Drew) Chapman. We talked:<br> <br> * marketing budgets for books vs. marketing budgets for TV;<br> * his novel, <a href=";qid=1474651935&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=drew+chapman">THE KING OF FEAR</a>;<br> * the best book-marketing advice he ever got;<br> * the biggest issues he hears from his circle of writer friends;<br> * traditional vs. self-publishing;<br> * whether you should write a TV pilot;<br> * the Golden Age of television.<br> <br> Plus, on Today in Writing, happy birthday to Bruce Springsteen. <br> About our guest:<br> <a href="">Drew Chapman</a> was born and raised in New York City. He graduated from the University of Michigan with a BA in History. His early work history included: newspaper reporter, bartender, bike messenger, knish vendor at Yankee Stadium, and bootleg T-shirt salesman. He wrote his first novel in fourth grade. It remains unpublished.<br> After college Drew moved to Los Angeles and began working in film production. He got an agent and took a position as staff writer for Disney Animation. He has since written on projects for studios including Disney, Fox, Universal, Warner Brothers and Sony. He wrote and directed a feature film, Stand Off, with Dennis Haysbert and Robert Sean Leonard.<br> He also works extensively in television. He has sold pilots to ABC, Fox, ABC Family, and Sony TV. Drew wrote and produced an eight-part limited-series for ABC called The Assets, and most recently wrote and co-executive produced the second season of the spy show Legends for TNT.<br> His second novel, The King of Fear, was released digitally, in sections, by Simon &amp; Schuster starting on November 3, 2015.<br>