Visual Studio Tools for Azure Functions | Visual Studio Toolbox

Channel 9 show

Summary: Note: This is a do-over of this episode. The first time Andrew and I recorded this, we weren't happy with how it turned out. So we rerecorded the episode. Unfortunately, on 1/25 we accidentally published the version we didn't like. We have now (1/31) updated this post with the second, much better version. We apologize for the mix-up. In this episode, Robert is joined by Andrew Hall, who shows us a preview of tools for building Azure Functions for Visual Studio 2015. Azure Functions provide event-based serverless computing that make it easy to develop and scale your application, paying only for the resources your code consumes during execution. Andrew shows how to create a function project using C# in Visual Studio, run functions locally, and publish them to Azure. He also shows both local and remote debugging. Resources: Visual Studio Tools for Azure FunctionsVisual Studio blog post announcing them