#17: Alone Forever

Why Oh Why show

Summary: What's going on with you romantically? Nothing? Our guest Aimée Lutkin says that's okay.<br><br>You can read her Jezebel piece <a href="http://jezebel.com/when-can-i-say-ill-be-alone-forever-1790274012"><strong>here</strong></a><strong>, </strong>follow her on Twitter <a href="https://twitter.com/alutkin"><strong>@alutkin</strong></a>, and read more about her #onTinderatTinder project <a href="http://www.someecards.com/love/dating-relationships/on-tinder-at-tinder-dating-reality/"><strong>here</strong></a>. <br><br>To discuss this week's episode, head to <a href="http://wwwfacebook.com/whyohwhyradio"><strong>facebook.com/whyohwhyradio</strong></a> or tweet with #whyohwhy. You can find Andrea on Twitter as <a href="http://www.twitter.com/andreasilenzi"><strong>@andreasilenzi</strong></a>. Did you hear we have a weekly newsletter? You can sign up on our website: <a href="http://www.whyohwhy.sexy"><strong>whyohwhy.sexy</strong></a>.<br><br><strong>Today’s sponsors:</strong><br><br>What happens to our digital lives when we’re gone? <em>LifeAfter</em>, a new series from GE Podcast Theater and Panoply, the creators of last year’s award-winning <em>The Message</em>, explores these very questions. Listen and download <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/lifeafter/id1045990056?mt=2"><strong><em>LifeAfter</em></strong></a> wherever you find your podcasts.<br><br>Why Oh Why is brought to you by <a href="https://www.hellofresh.com/tasty/"><strong>HelloFresh</strong></a>. The meal kit delivery service sends pre-measured ingredients right to your door, so you don’t waste time, or food! For $35 off your first week of deliveries, visit <a href="https://www.hellofresh.com/tasty/"><strong>hellofresh.com</strong></a><strong> </strong>and enter <strong>WHY35</strong> when you subscribe!