Do our parents influence our partner preferences? Jan 2011

The Psychology of Attractiveness Podcast show

Summary: <p>How we tell the difference between two attractive faces, how hypochondria influences your partner preferences, and Meet the Parents: why mum and dad so often disapprove of who their children bring home to dinner.</p><p><audio><br> </audio><br> </p><p><a href="">Download the MP3</a> </p><p><b>Rate me!</b><br> Rate, review, or listen <a href="">in iTunes</a> or <a href=";refid=stpr">in Stitcher.</a><br> </p><img width="400" src="" border="0"><br> <p><i>Why do our parents so often disapprove of our romantic choices? Perilloux et al. explain all in their recent paper. </i></p><p><b>The articles covered in the show: </b></p><p>Perilloux, C., Fleischman, D. S., &amp; Buss, D. M. (2011). Meet the parents: Parent-offspring convergence and divergence in mate preferences. <span style="font-style: italic;">Personality and Individual Differences, 50</span>(2), 253-258. <a href="">Read summary</a></p><p>Bailey, D. H., Durante, K. M., &amp; Geary, D. C. (in press). Men's perception of women's attractiveness is calibrated to relative mate value and dominance of the women's partner. <span style="font-style: italic;">Evolution and Human Behavior.</span> <a href="">Read summary</a></p><p>Little, A. C., DeBruine, L. M., &amp; Jones, B. C. (in press). Exposure to visual cues of pathogen contagion changes preferences for masculinity and symmetry in opposite-sex faces. <span style="font-style: italic;">Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B.</span> <a href="">Read summary</a></p>