Overconfidence: When we think we're more attractive than we are. 14 Jul 2015

The Psychology of Attractiveness Podcast show

Summary: <p>Many of us wish we were more confident, but is self-assuredness or arrogance attractive? Is it possible to be overconfident when it comes to love? And is there a male propensity to overestimate how attractive we are to women? We find out in this episode.</p><p><audio> </audio> </p><p><a href="http://archive.org/download/pap-2015-07-14/pap-2015-07-14.mp3">Download the MP3</a> </p><p><b>Participate in my research!</b> <a href="https://nupsych.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_b2yoqiyW6Lnu04J">The psychology of fail videos (women only)</a> <a href="https://nupsych.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_9n3WcLS28ngqNhj">How do you help others?</a> </p><p><b>Rate me!</b> Rate, review, or listen <a href="http://www.robertburriss.com/itunes">in iTunes</a> or <a href="http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=63199&amp;refid=stpr">in Stitcher.</a> </p><p><b>Read the transcript!</b><br> <a href="https://medium.com/@RobertBurriss/are-we-attracted-to-arrogance-77203c5215e9">Are We Attracted to Arrogance?</a><br> <a href="https://medium.com/@RobertBurriss/do-men-overestimate-women-s-sexual-interest-7f34394bbdef">Do Men Overestimate Women’s Sexual Interest?</a><br> </p><p></p><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><img border="0" src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-jeafxr0fUH4/VaOnR2IznjI/AAAAAAAABew/6X6OyNqlmS8/s1600/Don-Draper.jpg"></div><p><i>Don Draper is the epitome of the overconfident man. But do women find overconfident (or arrogant) men attractive?</i></p><p><b>The articles covered in the show:</b> </p><p>Murphy, S. C., von Hippel, W., Dubbs, S. L., Angilletta Jr., M. J., Wilson, R. S., Trivers, R., et al. (in press). The role of overconfidence in romantic desirability and competition. <span style="font-style: italic;">Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin</span>. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0146167215588754">Read summary</a></p><p>Perilloux, C., Muñoz-Reyes, J. A., Turiegano, E., Kurzban, R., &amp; Pita, M. (in press). Do (non-American) men overestimate women’s sexual intentions? <span style="font-style: italic;">Evolutionary Psychological Science</span>. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40806-015-0017-5">Read summary</a></p>