Climate politics in America's crazy presidential race

Warm Regards show

Summary: If you’re listening to this from a post-apocalyptic Pokemon-dominated global-warming ravaged future –- welcome! We’re getting to crunch time in the election, and a whole suite of new climate-related polls have been released in just the last few days. Is this finally the election in which climate change is going to play a big role? When you look at America as a whole, climate change still ranks relatively near the bottom in terms of voters’ priorities. Last week, a Pew survey ranked the environment as 12th out of 14 major issues, just below trade policy. But if you burrow in to the large and growing section of America that’s deeply concerned about climate change, you’ll find there are a lot of single-issue voters that are very engaged. We have a lot in store for today’s show: Pokemon is making people go outside for the first time; Bernie has endorsed Hillary; Trump is still Trump. Sheer craziness. Check out the recommended reading list below. Eric’s links: Hillary’s climate plan: A Green Party comeback: Trump supporters and climate: Jacquelyn’s links: Pokemon Go gets people outside: Jet Stream mania: 2008 DNC platform: Hillary's climate plank: AR4 vs AR5: Stephanie Svan on "voting green on principle": Andy’s links: Video summarizing the politics of climate: Sri Lanka mangroves.