Baby Mama Drama – Are You Guilty of It?

Single Mom Success show

Summary: Ok let's be honest ladies, baby mama drama - are you guilty of it? Have there been times when you made more of an issue than needed? I know that I have been guilty of it many times! After many years of working on myself and how I deal with my ex I found a few things that I believe were at the root of my personal baby mama drama....<br> <br> 1. I was still hurt/angry - causing me to want to lash out<br> <br> 2. Ego - the belief that I knew more than him, was a better parent than him<br> <br> 3. Other people's input - allowing others to cause drama in our relationship as parents<br> <br> In today's podcast I dive into how these things increased the drama that I was bringing into our co-parenting relationship....<br> <br> Have you ever caused drama? Have you been guilty of it? Have you been able to realize when you were causing more drama than needed and were able to adjust?<br> <br> Like it or not, if your ex is involved with your child's life then you will always need to have a relationship of some kind with them - wouldn't it be nice if it was at the very least civil? And let's face it, we already have enough drama in our lives to bring any more into it.