The Way of Wonder - Classic Self-Help Inspiration

Inspirational Living: Life Lessons for Success, Happiness, Motivation, Spiritual Growth, Self-Help & Positive Thinking show

Summary: Listen to episode 66 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Way of Wonder. Edited and adapted from a classic book of essays by <a href="" title="Biography">Stephen Paget</a>.<br> <br><br><strong>Educational Podcast Excerpt</strong>: <em>This much I remember of Aristotle, that he calls Wonder the beginning of the love of Wisdom. To have a right judgment of our surroundings, we must wonder at them, and be surprised that they and we are met together. So long as we exercise this quickening sense of wonder, there is hope for us, and some justification of our presence here on earth---because we all are on the road that leads toward wisdom. And they alone are incorrigible fools to whom Nature comes natural. <br> <br><br>Once we have fallen into the <a href="" title="How to Build Better Life Habits">bad habit</a> of taking for granted what Nature gives us, and have ceased to be amazed, it may be fairly said that in the midst of life we are in death. For one might as well be dead as alive, to look with dull eyes at the world, not finding it wonderful....</em><br> <br>