The “Buy & Hold” Strategy with Linda McKissack | PREI 022

Passive Real Estate Investing show

Summary: Linda McKissack is an investor, entrepreneur, best-selling author, business coach, and a highly regarded speaker.  In 2013, Linda was co-author of the national best-seller “HOLD - How to find, buy and rent homes to build wealth”.  Her authenticity makes you believe – If she can do it then so can I.<br> <br> In this episode we talk to Linda about the "Buy &amp; Hold" strategy and her huge success investing in single-family homes.   She has accumulated 108 units in real estate, and is working on other passive income projects right now.  Her basic strategy and formula is:  Find, Analyze, Buy, Manage, Grow.<br> <br> Here is the Amazon link for her book:<br> <br> HOLD: How to Find, Buy, and Rent Houses for Wealth<br> <br> - - - - - - -<br> <br> Download your FREE copy of:<br> The Ultimate Guide to Passive Real Estate Investing.<br> <br> See all our available Turnkey Investment Properties.<br> <br> SUBSCRIBE on iTunes  |  Stitcher  |  Podcast Feed<br> <br> Please give us a RATING &amp; REVIEW   (Thank you!)<br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> The "Buy &amp; Hold" Strategy with Linda McKissack<br> Why is the Buy and Hold strategy the best? The Buy and Hold methodology, as it applies to property, is and always has been the cause for making more millionaires than any other method. The main reason for this is really because it lets you develop equity through appreciation and amortization over a period of time. There are numerous short-term techniques like lease options, wholesaling and flipping properties that can create some cash or what I call, chunks of cash. But in no way will it improve your long-term net worth. I found in my many years of investing experience that purchasing real estate is the most significant part of the ownership cycle. It's very important that you buy right; buying the right market, the right location, the right property, the right cashflow. These are all things that we help our investors do in Norada Real Estate. If you're interested in that, talk to one of our investment counselors.<br> <br> <br> <br> The selling side of it is pretty straightforward. As long as you're in the right market and you have the right market cycle, liquidating property is very simple. That is one of my biggest regrets. I purchased a property for $40,000 many, many years ago. In fact, it was the first property I ever purchased at the age of 18. That $40,000 property would have been long paid off today and that property today is worth close to $400,000. It has appreciated considerably, certainly kept up with the rate of inflation. When it comes to Buy and Hold, your goal in property investing must be to develop as much equity as you can in the property while still having enough passive income to get you there. As long as you own the property, you'll have the advantage of tax sheltering some or all of your income. You cannot get that from other short-term investment methods. The Buy and Hold strategy is the basic reason that explains why people have become wealthy over time.<br> <br> Today's guest is someone who I like and admire. I like the way she thinks. She's a famous author, a New York Times Best Seller. The book is HOLD. It's one of the Gary Keller Trilogy books, which are all fantastic books. I highly recommend them. Her name is Linda McKissack.<br> <br> ------<br> <br> I'd like to introduce Linda McKissack to the show. Linda McKissack is an investor, an entrepreneur, a bestselling author, a business coach and a highly-regarded speaker. In 2013, Linda was co-author of the national best seller, HOLD: How to Find, Buy and Rent Homes to Build Wealth. Her authenticity makes you believe if she can do it, then so can I. Welcome to the show, Linda.<br> <br> Thank you, Marco. I appreciate it.<br> <br> It's great to have you here. Just to give our audience a sense of geography, can you tell them where you're located?<br> <br>