IGCT Episode #180: Mike Jolly - “You Are Not Born Great”

Iron Game Chalk Talk with Ron McKeefery show

Summary: <br> <div>For Show Notes and Coach McKeefery's Website - http://www.RonMcKeefery.com</div><br> <br><div>Now Available on iTunes http://bit.ly/1bPlMei</div><br> <br><div>Pick up your copy of Coach McKeefery's #1 Amazon International Bestseller "CEO Strength Coach" - http://www.CEOStrengthCoach.com</div><br> <br><div>Strength On Demand - Archive of Strength and Conditioning Clinic Presentations http://www.Strength-OnDemand.com</div><br> <br><div>Strength Coach Basic Training - Online Internship Program http://www.StrengthCoachBasicTraining.com</div><br> <br><div>Throughout Mike Jolly's career he has been a wrestler, football player, football coach, trainer, training facility owner, inventor and now advocate. Consistent throughout has been Mike's passion for football. Today Mike's focus is on the safety of young athletes and raising awareness for the dangers of sub-concussive and concussive blows and teach how to minimize the damage from these blows with proper neck strengthening techniques.</div><br> <br><div>Mike wrestled and played football at UCLA alongside good friends Mark Tuinei (Cowboys) and Luis Sharpe (Cardinals). Their long, productive careers in the NFL came crashing down due to CTE, a storyline that is becoming all too familiar. Motivated to change this fate for current and future athletes, and based on over 30 years experience in the fitness industry, Mike invented the Iron Neck as an innovative and powerful way to train the neck.</div><br> <br><div>After a brief acting career (it's LA, who hasn't!), Mike entered into a career in strength and conditioning and started training elite athletes and celebrities. This led to Mike building and operating his own high end private training facility with 55+ trainers on staff, for over 10 years.</div><br> <br><div>Mike coached two years at Santa Monica College (O-Line) and then two years at West LA College (Offensive Coordinator). Getting back into the game as a coach and working closely with young men, Mike again felt the impact of concussions and began to relentlessly research concussions and neck strength. This ultimately led to inventing the Iron Neck. Today, Mike speaks of the importance of neck strength and for coaches to adopt proactive concussion management approach to training.</div><br> <div>In This Episode We Discuss:</div><br> <br><div>His journey into the field.</div><br> <div>Biggest mistake he has made as a Fitness Business owner.</div><br> <div>What CTE is.</div><br> <div>How to best prepare the neck for combat sports.</div><br> <div>How to take a product from concept to completion.</div><br> <div>How to balance performance with protection. </div><br> <div>Best piece of advice he has ever received for working with coaches.</div><br> <div>His favorite quote, Book/App/Website recommendation.</div>