Autoline After Hours 42 - Oh, What a Feeling ...

Autoline After Hours show

Summary: It seems like the bad news just doesn't stop for Toyota these days. Millions of vehicles have been recalled, with perhaps, more to come, tarnishing the auto giant's record of high-quality workmanship. Now, members of Congress are calling for Akio Toyoda to testify stateside. To discuss the delicate art of Crisis Management on this week's show, and what Toyota could have done better, we're summoning an old friend for a deposition before our panel. Jason Vines was at the helm of Ford Public Relations when the Explorer rollover crisis occurred in the 1990s. We'll ask how a company can effectively diffuse a PR bomb and keep the situation from spiraling out of control. John McElroy's onboard as usual as well as David Welch of BusinessWeek and Bloomberg and Peter De Lorenzo, the Autoextremist.