Money Worries After Personal Injury

Talking About You With ESTRA show

Summary: After the shock wears off worry sets in about where money will come from and if it will be enough to cover daily living expenses after a car collision.  How long will you be unable to work? How long will Insurance or Employer benefits last?  What will the future hold? Join ESTRA today in discussing major impacts and common concerns after being involved in a car wreck.  Be sure to join in for last chance to win a copy of ESTRA's book, Car Accident and 2015 Car Accident Weekly Planner.  Just listen to the live broadcast today and click Talking About You with ESTRA email link with 2015 Car Accident Awareness Month Code Word: Money (only pay for shipping and handling while supplies last). Note Actual Radio Show Time:  Tune in Mondays at 7:30 pm. PST