Radio Free Thinkers - The Ebola Virus Bias Edition Edition 12-Aug-2014

CiTR -- Radio Freethinkers show

Summary: Radio Free Thinkers - The Ebola Virus Bias Edition Edition This week whine is about the Ebola Virus…more to the point how what was a page 3 story when it only killed Africans became front page material once a white american gets infected. In the shadow of the all the hype and hysteria, this week we look at the outbreak why its worse than previous and why we really really should not be that worried.. Joining me this week is host emeritus and sometimes historian Ethan Clow as we discuss Harper’s latest attack on democracy as the CRA is ramping up unnecessary and unprecedented audits of charities that are critical of the Harper Regime. Ethan and I discuss the issue and how it has put a chill on non-profits across the nation as well as how this can dramatically undermined the democratic process as we seem one more step closer to a Harper-ocracy. Finally a look at cognitive biases…what are they, how they effect us and what can be done. This may explain why every decision you made has been right, why you by more food on a hungry stomach and why you think people are idiots for not knowing what you know. Check us out online at and email us at and follow us on twitter at @citrrft