Drupal 8 Content Workflow Initiative - Part 2

Acquia Inc. podcasts show

Summary: Jozef Toth talks about the Drupal 8 CWI - I got the chance to follow up on my conversation with Dave Hall and Dick Olsson about the Drupal 8 Content Workflow Initiative (Podcast: Drupal 8 Content Workflow Initiative - Part 1). This post includes the video and full transcript of our conversation, as well as links to many of the people and topics we touched on! Mentioned in the conversation Drupal security release process infographic Acquia Podcast: Drupal 8 Content Workflow Initiative - Part 1 Dick Olsson Dave Hall Workbench Moderation Module Workflow Initiative community home: Drupaldeploy.org Video interview - 27 min. Full transcript jam: My standard joke in all the podcasts lately ... and I apologize because I’m doing it over and over again ... but welcome to glamorous Nové Zámky in the Slovak Republic. Jojo Toth and I just had quite a nice weekend in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, at the DrupalCamp CS. Among other hats, you’re the head of the Slovakian Drupal Association. Jozef: Yes. jam: Talk about who you are, what you do, and talk about DrupalCamp CS. Jozef: My name is Jozef and I work as a user experience designer at Pfizer, and as you said, part of what I do as my volunteering time is leading or trying to help with the organizing of DrupalCamps in Slovakia and also organizing the entire Slovak Drupal community. I’ve been working with this for about seven years now, and we had five camps total so far, and many good events, smaller meet-ups, trainings. jam: One of the really interesting parts of the Slovak DrupalCamp - so in real time, it’s June the 1st today that we’re speaking. The camp was at the end of May. One of the interesting things that happened at the camp was the launch of the Czech Drupal Association at the – well, the CS Camp is supposed to be unified, right? Jozef: Yes. jam: Is everybody still friends between the Czech Republic and Slovakia? Is it okay to do that sort of thing? Jozef: Yes. I would say that most people are still very good friends. Actually I think it’s more like brothers, and definitely to me it feels that way. Really, from the beginning when we started organizing camps, our two communities which are not really big, we cooperated a lot together, did a lot of events together. Slovaks have been active in Czech Drupal Forum. Czechs have been active in the Slovak Drupal Forum, so it was just natural that for the last two years, we’ve decided to do a joint event and now it’s officially not DrupalCamp Slovakia, but CS which is Czechoslovakia. Actually, what you have on your T-shirt is Drupal Without Borders, so we were sort of reuniting Czechoslovakia again through Drupal. jam: Okay. Are you going into politics next? Jozef: I might consider that. I’m so sorry. I can’t deny nor confirm that. jam: Now you and I have known each other for a number of years. I am absolutely certain that we worked together the first time in 2011. I’m not sure if we had met before that, but you used to run - among other things, you used to run a design agency, and we worked together to produce among other things a really fun infographic about the Drupal Security Process which I’m still really, really proud of and I’m going to link to again because it’s cool. jam: How and when did you discover Drupal? Jozef: That is a long story, so to make it short, and it was a long time ago, I think it’s like 11 years now. I was traveling on a train to my daily job where I was basically doing designs and trying to create some websites – some static websites, and my friends kept asking me, “Can you create a website for me?" then another friend, another friend ... I ended up looking for something which can help me to do it in a more sustainable way I would say, so I wouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel every time when I create a website so I...