Self-Reliance Podcast- One Step at a Time, Today-We Welcome Author Jill Bong, Entreprenuer To The Positve Phil Show

Positive Phil show

Summary: Help Encourage Positive Values By Clicking The Following Link Our Mission Is To Spread Positive Values and Inspiring Stories of Entrepreneurship. Please Support Our Positive Podcast. In return… We Will Give You and Your Company Visibility Through Podcast Sponsorship and Social Media Marketing. Today we welcome, Jill Bong to the Positive Phil Show. Jill practices…Self-Reliance -- One Step at a Time Reliance on one job. Reliance on the agri-industrial food system. Are you ready to break free, take control and to rely on yourself? With a no-nonsense style, Jill Bong draws from her own homesteading experiences and mistakes, and writes books focusing on maximizing output with minimal input to save you time and money. Jill is a homesteader, lifestyle entrepreneur, award-winning writer and author of over a dozen books written under the pen name, Jill b. She is the co-inventor and co-founder of Chicken Armor, an affordable, low maintenance chicken saddle. Visit her site for some free ebooks. Featured on Wall Street Journal, ABC, Denver Post, Forbes, MollyGreen, She holds an engineering degree from an IVY League institution…But she found her passion. ’The program consists of interviews with positive people and thought leaders, as well as others in the social, business and entertainment community. Motivating Stories for Personal and Professional Growth. Real Stories /True Success Positive Phil is an American based podcaster. He started the Positive Phil Show in March 2009. Production of the Positive Phil Show, a showcase podcast for Positive Individuals and Companies.