Motivational Philosopher and Clothing Brand, Grip Work Gear CEO is on the Positive Podcast

Positive Phil show

Summary: Help Encourage Positive Values By Clicking The Following Link Our Mission Is To Spread Positive Values and Inspiring Stories of Entrepreneurship. Please Support Our Positive Podcast. In return… We Will Give You and Your Company Visibility Through Podcast Sponsorship and Social Media Marketing. CEO and Founder of Grip Work Gear , Mel Jones is On the Positive Phil Show..Grip Work Gear was founded on one truth. The truth of what your life is really about. Personal Responsibility. It is the very thing that our parents, coaches, teachers, and mentors try to instill in us, but normally with fail. Why? Because past generations have missed out on something that the new generations have figured out. That life is more than just about paying bills, raising children, and staying out of trouble. It’s about going after your dreams and becoming the best version of yourself. It’s about taking life’s challenges head on to become who you were destined to be. It’s about picking up the weight because nobody will do it for you. You have to get a grip on life and promise yourself to never let go. Grip Work is our Mantra for the work we must put it. Grip Work Gear is a Powerful Motivation Factory that produces products/services to inspire Powerful Thinking, teach the art of Powerful Living.Ultimately, to achieve your greatness you have to do more than just grind for a day, you have to Grip for a lifetime.“Grip Work is more than just a clothing line. It’s a philosophy backed by the notion that no one is going to lift the weight for you. Not because nobody cares, but because we were all given our own burden to withstand. The awesome thing about struggling through your own challenges is that you become stronger from it. That is why I started this company, to be an example to my girlfriend, our son, my family and my friends of what happens when you push past the obstacles and step into the other side of greatness” says Jones Blending business and storytelling, interviewing the world’s most innovative companies and individuals. Reporting on conundrums, curiosities and current events from across the business world, the “Positive Phil Show” podcast explores a wildly diverse range of topics from start up businesses, funding, personal motivations and inspirations. In addition to its positive-hosted episodes, “Positive Phil Show” will include specific industries like Virtual Reality and Solar, these segments will be used as an educational tool. “There is a growing audience for positive news, and our show meets that demand with original, captivating storytelling from the perspectives of inspirational individuals at the forefront of their fields,” said Positive Phil, Host of the Positive Phil Show. “We are thrilled to bring this fascinating and addictive series to listeners worldwide. The message is simple, To document positive people doing positive things in their lives. For example, documenting the life of a quality assurance professional at a local biotech company, exploring the steps they took to get to their position..this particular content is distributed to universities and younger demographics.” The Positive Phil Podcast showcases positive serial entrepreneurs and individuals who built their businesses and successful lives by being positive and by not giving up. Each episode will help you grow professionally and personally. The Positive Phil podcast explores the positive mindset motivation and freedom of true success. Tips to shed the ego, living in the now and overcoming adversity is the core. About Positive Phil Positive Phil hosts this daily podcast to help his listeners live life to its fullest. The Positive Phil Show is a Popular Podcast About Staying Positive. Featuring Video and Audio Content. Producing Motivating Stories for Personal and Professional Growth. Real Stories /True Success Host Positive Phil.