Session 24: LinkedIn Advertising Overview

A Marketing Podcast with Matt Coco show

Summary: In session 24 of A Marketing Podcast, Part 5 of How to advertise your business online, I’m talking about LinkedIn Advertising. Some of the options you have within the platform, as well as the unique targeting features that are available within the B2B social network.<br> <br> Session 24: Getting Started with Facebook Advertising<br> Welcome to Session 24, and Part 5 of the How to advertise your business online mini series.<br> Reviewing part 1 – 4 of the mini series:<br> <br> * Session 20 – Overview on how to advertise your business online<br> * Session 21 – Search Engine Marketing<br> * Session 22 – Display Advertising<br> * Session 23 – Facebook Advertising<br> <br> In today’s session, session 24, we’re focusing on LinkedIn advertising in particular:<br> <br> * What’s LinkedIn all about?<br> * Why choose LinkedIn advertising as part of your advertising mix?<br> * Setting up a Company within LinkedIn<br> * Different advertising options within LinkedIn<br> * Your first campaign<br> * Reporting and Monitoring<br> <br> What’s LinkedIn all about?<br> Business to Business primary social channel<br> Also, career based, human resources related business hap[pens primarily within LinkedIn<br> Ability to try things out for cheap<br> LinkedIn like Facebook allows you to work with reasonably small budgets to essentially perform trial and error on your campaigns. So working with less than $500 you can create and modify several campaigns to see what targeting or messaging works best before scaling up your budget.<br> Finding your advertising sweet spot within LinkedIn<br> Start by targeting as specifically as possible. LinkedIn provide some really granular targeting to help with this.<br> An example would be, targeting a specific company and those related to it. Or even further target the C-Suite within that company to advertise to.<br> So playing around with your targeting allows you to identify the sweet spot for your businesses product/service offering and the ad in particular.<br> LinkedIn’s social element and how it aligns with advertising<br> LinkedIn, although a business  to business social channel, there are some neat social elements that generate regular traffic within the platform. Such as connections anniversary’s or new positions. All of which generate more traffic within the platform, and more traffic to see your advertising.<br> Advertising can be shown within the users news feed as well as above the feed in the text formats.<br> Company Pages must be setup<br> In order to perform advertising within LinkedIn you must setup a company page. In addition, even if you’re not advertising it’s a good idea to get that page setup and begin posting content to it. This content will provide users with the ability to find out more about your business and later these posts are actually used in your advertising.<br> Through your advertising you will also drive traffic to your company page, therefore it’s important to make sure your page is setup and has some recent content.<br> Options on types of advertising within LinkedIn<br> In LinkedIn you hvae two types of ads to use:<br> <br> * Textual links allow you to write a line of text and link that text.<br> * Whereas, sponsored posts make use of existent, or brand new, posts from your company page.<br> <br> Accounts in LinkedIn<br> LinkedIn provide a sorting, or categorization, for your advertising much like Facebook. These are called accounts. Creating an account allows you to assign a particular business and company page to that account. As well as specific payment information for each account. It also allows you to add other people to your account the manage your advertising with/for you.<br> Creating a LinkedIn Advertising Campaign<br> First step is creating the name for your campaign.<br>