The Game Pit: Episode 66 - Scythe and more....

The Game Pit show

Summary: One of the biggest releases of the year, Scythe forms the main review in this episode as the Pit returns to it's regular format. Ronan and Sean (back from his travels) are joined from what sounds like his toilet by our old favourite, Steve. In the first part, the three discuss games they have been playing or are excited about for one reason or another and these include The Walking Dead: No Sanctuary, Mansions of Madness: Second Edition and Ghost Stories. Competition Time The main review of Scythe is in part 2 but before that we begin our Dice Tower competition to win $50 to spend at Cool Stuff Inc. Our winner will then go into another draw to win $1000 to again spend at Cool Stuff Inc. Once you hear the question, email your answers to:   The Game Pit is a proud member of The Dice Tower Network