Session 22: Display advertising 101

A Marketing Podcast with Matt Coco show

Summary: In session 22 of A Marketing Podcast, Part 3 of How to advertise your business online, we’re going to focus on Display advertising 101. From the things to consider before you setup your display advertising campaigns, to the actual setup of a campaign, and some of the things to consider along the way.<br> <br> Session 22: Display Advertising 101<br> Recap the first two parts of How to Advertise your business online – Setup considerations and Search Engine Marketing.<br> Session 20: Things to consider before advertising:<br> <br> * Develop strong targeting profiles (your audiences)<br> * Messaging and content creation for your campaigns<br> * The technical setup of your website &amp; Reporting tools<br> * The time required to manage your campaigns and the process I like to use<br> <br> <a href="">Listen to Session 20</a><br> Session 21: Search Engine Marketing<br> <br> * setting up a google adwords account<br> * developing AdGroups &amp; keyword research<br> * Understanding and managing bid’s and campaigns<br> * reporting and monitoring<br> * calculating outcomes/ ROI<br> <br> <a href="">Listen to Session 21</a><br> In today’s session:<br> <br> * what is display advertising?<br> * Why use display advertising?<br> * Googles display network<br> * Web Banners – creating, dimensions, animations<br> * Setting up a campaign and how to target through Google’s Display Network<br> * Touch on Video advertising through YouTube<br> <br> What is display advertising?<br> Display advertising is the act of using web banners, images, videos, and any other type of visual content as an advertisement online.<br> Display network as a term is synonymous with Google, as it’s channel for advertising on publisher’s website that are part of the Google network.<br> SEM User Intent vs Display Advertising Intent<br> Search engine users are searching for a solution.<br> Display advertising users are search for solutions to, but are not looking for it in our ads. Instead they are looking for content within the website they are visiting. Therefore, we have to work to draw their attention to our ads.<br> Why use display advertising?<br> Display advertising provides visual elements to entice potential customers into your promotions. Be it a discount offer, a product release, or even awareness campaigns, display advertising allows us to connect with potential customers on a visual level to spark emotional responses.<br> Compared to Search engine marketing, where we can only use textual ads, display network provides a much richer experience.<br> So it’s important to develop good quality visuals that are related on the websites and networks that they are displayed on.<br> Googles Display network<br> As with Search engine marketing, as a small business, google provides the best and easiest way to setup your first campaign.<br> The google network provides access to the largest display network of publishers online, through a tool that makes it fairly easy to submit your ads for display. Google AdWords.<br> Other options for display advertising<br> Affiliate marketing through services such as Commission Junction which make use of web banners and placements on publisher websites.<br> Private or privately managed services – either website owners who provide advertising options through their site, or company such as <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a><br> Also, big company networks , made up of many publishers such as AOL and Yellow pages.<br> Web Banners – creating, dimensions, animations<br> Let’s talk about creating web banners. There is essentially two types of web banners that you can use in display advertising. Static and animated.<br>