SILY 475 – Knock, Knock, Who’s There?

Stuff I Learned Yesterday show

Summary: I became a door-to-door salesman in April of this year. The investment firm that I joined believes the key to success is getting yourself in front of as many people as possible and using the law of averages ideally you’re going to gain clients directly proportional to how hard you get after meeting and being with people. It’s really a neat set up when you think about it. I’m essentially an entrepreneur who’s building his own business using products that are built and maintained by some of the smartest people in the industry. My job is build relationships, fit the product to the client, and keep the relationship concentrating on the long-term goal of what investing can do. There are plenty of statistics that show if you continually build your savings and use the gift of compounding interest that anyone can be a successful investor. The trick is not panicking when the economy goes through its typical tumbles and stumbles. The key to building and maintaining a successful practice is sales. Read More...