Episode 149 How Opposites CAN Attract MORE Business June 30,2016

The Sales Playbook Podcast show

Summary: We'd all like to think we're different, but sadly, to our clients/prospects, we're actually quite typical. The problem with "Typical" is that its a formula for being forgotten about and; It's also a formula that invites competitor's to come kick your ass! In this week's episode of The Sales Playbook Podcast, I outline several examples of how you can take the exact OPPOSITE approach of what you're competitors are doing. So go ahead, and give this FREE audio sales lesson a listen! I triple dog dare ya! Want A Better Second Half Of 2016? Then do something about it! On July 21st, our Rock Star Academy program launches and the best part; It’s going to take place right on your computer screen! Here’s what I have planned for you . . . Session 1 20 Ways To Create Opportunities: In this session, we’ll talk about severals ways to hunt for business differently. I’ll show you the places your competitors tend to miss and some approaches you probably haven’t considered. Session 2 Meticulous Pre Call Planning: I’m going to show you what to look for, where to look for it and how to dramatically reduce the amount of time you spend researching. Session 3 How To Get Your Email Opened, Read and Responded To: I’m going to show you, how to write a better subject line, capture their attention from “Hello” and a super cool tactic that will get you more responses. Session 4 A Cure For The Common Cold Call: We’re going to talk about how to create an “Objection Resistant” opening statement, how to create instant rapport, how to overcome objections and how to leave voicemails that help you stand out. Session 5 How To Sell MORE Via Your Social Network: Let’s face it, most sales reps suck at leveraging their social networks. They either launch too quickly into a “pitch” or they have no clue what to do after they connect. We’re going to talk about how you can nurture these important relationships and transition them from your computer screen to more meetings and more clients. Session 6 How To Network Like A Pro (And ROCK Your Referrals): We’re going to talk about what to do before, during and after your next networking event. How to start a conversation with anyone, without it getting weird and then, we’re going to dive, head first, into how you can not only ask for referrals, but how to do so in a way that can double and triple the amount of referrals you’re receiving now. Session 7 How To Break The 8 Second Attention Span Barrier: I’m going to share how you can immediately get and keep your prospect’s attention whether it be via phone, email, face to face. We’ll talk about how to use your creativity, 2 really powerful psychological tactics, a very specific type of question and more! Session 8 A Complete Communication Program (How To Get In The Door and Exit With A New Client): In this session, we’re going to discuss how you can “map” your communication in a way that utilizes multiple forms of prospect outreach. I have multiple examples, scenarios and mucho templates to help you communicate with greater IMPACT! Session 9 How To Take Control Of Your Prospect/Client Meetings: We’ll talk about everything from how to start your meetings with greater impact to several insurance policies you need to take out on the front end. I’ll show you how to ask better questions (the kind that get everyone engaged and emotionally ready to make a change) Session 10 How To Position Yourself As The Logical Choice: In this session, I’m going to share how you can reduce doubt and skepticism while solidifying your credibility. We’re going to talk about a powerful technique called “Landmines” and how you can bring certain parts of your offering to life that 99.9% of your competitors miss entirely. Session 11 How To Close More Deals (And Win Back The Ones You’ve Lost):We’re going to talk about how to seamlessly transition into asking for the business without the conversation “getting weird”.  We’ll talk about handling price objections, stalls and what to do (as in step by step) wh