Episode 151 To Sell More You Had Better “Empty Your Cup” July 18, 2016

The Sales Playbook Podcast show

Summary: Jim Lesko, is a member of our Sales Playbook community and recently asked me the following question; How do we develop the motivation to make the things we learn, a part of our lives? So many people tell me, I KNOW THIS, then I think to myself, then why don't you DO THIS? So I decided to answer Jim's question in this week's episode of The Sales Playbook Podcast! In this episode, I share my Accelerated Performance Framework which is designed to help you get the results you're looking for. I talk about the importance of a "humble student"mindset and how many sales reps are too arrogant to embrace it. I talk about the traps that get in the way and what you can do about them. I'm going to warn you, I take the gloves off during this episode. And if bad language offends you, either accept my warning (not going to apologize) for saying the "S" curse, twice or just come back next week. There's some tough love waiting for you this week folks; So go ahead and "empty your cup" and give this week's episode a listen! Go ahead, I triple dog dare ya!Registration Ends This Wednesday . . . For all the "humble students" out there, who want to learn and embrace 150+ tactics to help you sell more; Registration for our Rock Star Academy program is about to end, so you might want to click HERE, take action and join your peers for this powerful, online training program!