A Review of Agents of SHIELD on ABC - Season 2 Episode 8 - The Things We Bury

The 2GuysTalking Podcast - Television, Movies, Blu-ray Reviews and More - I Hear 2GuysTalking! show

Summary: The story is gettin' thicker. The characters? They're getting deeper. The history and tie to the upcoming Agent Carter series? It'sa' happenin'! The Agents of SHIELD on ABC continues to vault us toward more great cinematic greatness, and rather than a piece at a time, it's giving it to us in shovels, gathering details, information and references that continue to build the Marvel hallmarks chest high. Bold writing choices, quickly-paced character sketches and lightbulb moments galore help us understand the finely crafted picture that's coming into place much faster than previously anticipated. It's time for The Agents of SHIELD Podcast, a complete, detailed and always educational review of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD - This time, season 2, Episode 8 - the Things We Bury - on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network...