Turtlecast #21 (2/2/2015)

Turtlecast show

Summary: [GET MP3] Answering machine message from Hello Boy himself / Mario (on the computer) / Jack Saint makes us less lonely / Trash / Matilda: Where is She Now? / The tale of Mel’s death / u 420 bro?? / Big’s horrorvidya controversy! / Open Salami / Turtlecast sponsored by Charles Martinet / We announce our love and support for Danny DeVito / Racial History with Jack Saint / Traaash / Don Hertzfeldt moves us emotionally / Creepy Catholic ritual for Danny DeVito / Turtlecest / The podcast gets morbid / Weddings and funerals are not allowed / Black Mirror Masturbation / Traaaaaaaash / Imagine a picture of Hitler (shaking hands with an alien)