Turtlecast #22 (2/14/2015)

Turtlecast show

Summary: [GET MP3] We’re much too good for children / Turtlecast live from Hezbollah / Special Celebrity Guest Star: Apple, the Max Payne-Speedrunnin’ Whiz-Kid / Big faps to Bejeweled… a lot / A dog’s only emotion is FEAR / Crunchy Snakes / .guru / 11-year old webseries review / Big’s dad is basically a drug addict, and Nate’s dad is a buffoon / Beyblade Dealer / Horrorvidya “Shit-talkin” / Secret porn habits revealed! / “One condom, please!” Note: Background noise fluctuates really weirdly at times during this one, especially for a moment after anyone finishes talking, and trying to remove it only made it sound distorted. I’m going to look into fixing that, so don’t you worry, kiddoes. IM RLY SORRYYYYY :(((