PODCAzT 147: Fulton Sheen on Patriotism

Fr. Z's Blog show

Summary: At The Catholic Thing I saw excerpts of a piece by Fulton Sheen on Patriotism. As I have done in the past, I’ll read the whole thing for  you.  Recently, I read for you his essay on how we have to be intolerant (yes, you read that right).  HERE Sheen spoke out this essay on his radio program the The Catholic Hour on 20 February 1938. My interest today, on this Independence Day 2016, the 4th of July, is to  hear Sheen’s thoughts on Patriotism and to see how they impact us today, in our present circumstances.  I think there are some parallels. Furthermore, today we are revving up for the true battle against the major threat of our day (other than the stupidity deepening with the help of public education and other than the twisting of morals with social “gender” re-engineering, which is from Hell), that is, Islamic Terror Jihad.  I am reading Sebastian Gorka’s book right now.  Sheen’s essay was in interesting counterpoise (a little ham radio jargon for you there). How do we fight this threat?   We need to take pages from our past. As usual I try to give some historic context (with audio cues), and I prime you for what to listen for.  I rant a little, too. BTW… years later Sheen would talk about “Patriotism” on his TV show in an episode called “Quo Vadis, America?” Quo vadis, indeed. And also… The Glory of Being an American Happy Independence Day 2016! UPDATE: As part of my own Independence Day observance (quiet… at home), I watched a couple movies. First, I saw Coming Home, a Chinese movie directed by a favorite of mine Zhang Yimou with the incomparable Gong Li. This epitomizes poignant.  If there was ever a movie about charity, sacrifice, in the context of MARRIAGE, it is this.  It is beautifully upliftingly sad. What better way to celebrate our hard won freedom than to watch something about the breaking of a woman’s mind because the Cultural Revolution (et al.), and the decades long diligence of the man who loves her. Next, on this We are Not Canada Day, I saw Patriot with Mel Gibson.  Here you find some great scenes that capture the era… in spite of a few historical infelicities.   For my friends across the water, think… BREXIT. And I am following JUNO! UPDATE: Don’t forget this car magnet and/or sticker: Share/Bookmark