Session 13: What is content marketing?

A Marketing Podcast with Matt Coco show

Summary: In session 13 of A Marketing Podcast I discuss what content marketing is and how you can get started. I also review 8 different types of content marketing and what they are used to achieve. I go into depth on the 8 different types of content marketing that I decided to focus on. Including some insight into webinars and podcasts, and reasoning behind inbound campaigns.<br><br> <br> Session 13: Show Notes<br> What is content marketing?<br> A very broad term used to explain marketing strategy and tactics that involve the curation of content and delivery of that content.<br> The exchange of content from a business to another business or consumer is to achieve one of the following:<br> <br> * Increased brand awareness<br> * Obtain a lead<br> * Build customer satisfaction/retention<br> <br> The difference between promotion/advertising and content marketing<br> <br> * content marketing provides value that is useful or actionable<br> * promotion/advertising makes use of content but it’s typically a call to action and doesn’t provide any standalone value<br> <br> Types of content that can shape your content marketing<br> There are four types of content that can be created and used as part of any content marketing campaign , they are:<br> <br> * Textual (blog posts, articles, even PR)<br> * Visual (images, such as info-graphics, product shots, and so on)<br> * Audio (this podcast is an example of audio)<br> * Video (YouTube, online courses, how to guides, etc – usually combined with audio)<br> <br> Types of content marketing<br> Traditional content marketing example:<br> Shiny catalogs at car dealerships – These work to develop your desire for the car by showing beautiful imagery and maybe even stats and comparisons to get you back into the dealership<br> Digital content marketing examples:<br> <br> * Blog posts &amp; guest posts<br> * Lead Magnets<br> * Case studies &amp; whitepapers<br> * Email marketing (newsletters, drip campaign content) check out session 12 for more on this<br> * Ebooks<br> * Podcasts<br> * Webinars<br> * Inbound marketing campaigns<br> <br> Blog Posts &amp; Guest posting<br> <br> * Subject matter expertise is the main reason for writing<br> * Used to develop SEO value of your website<br> * Guest posts, work to spread your subject matter expertise, and also to develop backlinks to your website (which isn’t as valuable as they used to be for SEO value but still have value)<br> <br> Lead Magnets / Content Upgrades<br> <br> * On blog posts and articles, also on regular pages<br> * Example is the <a href="" target="_blank">marketing strategy template</a> I’ve developed<br> * Used to get email addresses in exchange for a valuable piece of content you’ve developed<br> <br> Email Marketing<br> There’s so much content required by email marketing campaigns<br><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Check out session #12 – What is email marketing</a> – I outlined 6 email marketing strategies that require a lot of content be developed for<br> Ebooks<br> <br> * Ebooks are great not only for obtaining emails (essentially as lead magnets) but also as stand alone products of their own<br> * Many people have been successful writing ebooks and selling them<br> * Could be a gateway product to a higher level, more expensive product you sell<br> * Such as an ebook about building a deck from the ground up, and if you’re a deck building company that may drive more sales as people understand the complexity and time it would take to build their own deck<br> <br> Podcasts<br> <br> * A great way to deliver knowledge, entertainment, even sales to an audience that is interested in hearing from you<br> * It’s no secret that my podcast is based on the topic that I will build products around<br>