Deadwood 3x05 "A Two-Headed Beast"

HoopleCast: An IntroCast For HBO's Deadwood show

Summary: Episode Twenty-nine. Carla is our guest this recording, but if her mother inquires, we are a podcast covering important social economic issues, and we're definitely *not* discussing sodomy via vegetables. Dan and Captain Turner enjoy some good old fashioned mud rastlin'... A horny Alma approaches Ellsworth for some sexy times, but he has ample towels... Seth makes a capon of George Hearst... Milch's desire to overpopulate the series with unnecessary characters continues as Chesterton and the insatiable Bellegarde arrive in camp. However, we are now familiar with "the art of figging," and for that we are eternally grateful. ... Also, Emily reassures us that authorities are in pursuit of the trunk thief who torched the Belle Fourche stage crossing.| Send feedback to Find our recording schedule, show notes, discussion threads, and more at | Recorded May 1, 2016. Released May 8, 2016. [Warning: Explicit Language.]