Deadwood 3x01 "Tell Your God to Ready for Blood"

HoopleCast: An IntroCast For HBO's Deadwood show

Summary: Episode Twenty-five. The third season premiere is fixin' toward a bloody outcome as we're joined once more by Nuchtchas of The Nutty Bites Podcast. One of the last three speakers of the Cornish language is gunned down by Chicago-based wizard Harry Dresden. ... The shitbox of a very snooty Englishman figures into Al's matchmaking schemes. ... We rejoice in the glorious beating of E.B. by Angry Seth, but lament Cy's continued existence. ... Impressionable schoolchildren have their minds warped by a racist textbook. ... Also, Michael David questions why there are no public schools--the bulwark of a nation--within this metropolis known as Deadwood. | Send feedback to Find our recording schedule, show notes, discussion threads, and more at | Recorded March 13, 2016. Released March 18, 2016. [Warning: Explicit Language.]