82: Financial Planning and Building Wealth with Todd Tresidder

TCK Publishing show

Summary: Todd Tresidder graduated from the University of California at Davis with a B.A. in economics and a passion for creating successful businesses. A serial entrepreneur since childhood, Todd went on to build his own wealth as a hedge fund investment manager before “retiring” at 35 to teach others. Today, he provides advanced investment and retirement planning education at FinancialMentor.Com showing you what works, what doesn’t, and why from proven experience.<br> It occurred to him as a young man coming out of college that the homeless people in Santa Monica Park had more freedom than he and his friends had working for “cubicle nation.” That’s when Todd realized that freedom was one of his core values.<br> <a href="http://financialmentor.com/" target="_blank">FinancialMentor.com </a>came about when Todd’s wife challenged him to come up with a way to teach financial skills to the average person. When he launched the site he promised himself he’d take it down if things ever got ugly or he experienced a backlash because of his radical ideas.  Fortunately, the opposite has happened allowing Todd to teach countless people like you and I how to become “terminally wealthy.”<br> The podcast covered a wide range of financial topics like:<br> <br> * Expectancy investing and how traditional passive investing models get it wrong.<br> * The difference between probability and expectancy and why the difference is so important to wealth creation.<br> * The three asset classes you work with in building wealth:<br><br> 1. business/entrepreneurship<br><br> 2. real estate<br><br> 3. paper assets<br> * The principles of risk management and how they apply to the the different asset classes<br> * 2 ways to control your risk in real estate investing: nonrecourse financing, and valuation discipline.<br> * The primary risk management question, “How can I lose money with this?<br> * The importance of making your portfolio risk diverse<br> * How your business is an asset<br> * The two stages of wealth creation and why it’s critical to control your level of spending when building wealth.<br> * The Terminal Wealth Equation<br> * The advantage of self-publishing over traditional publishing<br> * The importance of identifying your values and honoring them with your spending.<br> * How to buy a good motorhome at 30 cents on the dollar<br> * The power of habits in finances and wealth creation<br> <br> Todd also discussed the parable of <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_men_and_an_elephant" target="_blank">The Three Blind Men and the Elephant</a> and why it’s so important to understand the complete picture when talking about investing.  He teaches his coaching clients a process he calls 7 Steps to 7 Figures.  It’s a complete course on wealth creation that takes six to nine months to finish.  Todd is building a course for the general public he hopes to have available by the end of 2016.<br> The Wealth Creation Formula<br> Make more than you spend and invest the difference wisely.<br> Links and Resources from the Show<br> <a href="http://financialmentor.com/" target="_blank">FinancialMentor.com</a> Todd Tresidder’s website where he teaches financial literacy and wealth creation.<br> <a href="http://financialmentor.com/category/podcast" target="_blank">The Financial Mentor Podcast</a> where Todd interviews other wealth experts on a variety of topics<br> <a href="http://financialmentor.com/free-stuff/free-online-course" target="_blank">52 Weeks to Financial Freedom</a> Todd’s 52-week e-mail course that teaches you the steps necessary to achieve financial freedom.<br> <a href="http://financialmentor.com/free-stuff/free-ebooks" target="_blank">18 Essential Lessons From A Self Made Millionaire</a> Todd’s free e-book where he tells you his personal story of wealth creation and what he learned along the way.<br> <a href="http://financialmentor.com/retirement-planning/early-retirement/how-anyo..."></a>