Land O'Lakers: Does D'Angelo lead? Is Phil a good idea? NBA players and bear fights! | Web Site of Andy and Brian Kamenetzky | The Los Angeles Lakers, NBA, and Anything  show

Summary: We're back! We vowed not to podcast again until the Lakers earned their 12th victory of the 2015-16 season, and Tuesday, it happened! And we were so confident, we recorded before the purple and gold took the floor against the Nets. On the agenda... NBA News. Does Kyrie Irving really want out of Cleveland? Who loves Chuck the Condor? Is the Dirk Burger an appropriate culinary honor for Nowitzki? And how much has Phil Jackson actually helped the Knicks? Lakers. Before D'Angelo Russell blew up for 39 Tuesday against Brooklyn, the big conversation of the week centered around his leadership skills. How good are they now? How good can they become? We introduce the Lakers Statue Game. Everyone gets one, but where? And how big? This week, Nick Van Exel! Finally, AAK! You ask a Kamenetzky, and we answer. Oscar talk -- Did Spotlight deserve best picture? Which NBA player takes down the bear from The Revenant? And finally, choosing between Iron Maiden and Rush, in concert.