Howard Beck on Kobe Bryant, Remembering Prince | Web Site of Andy and Brian Kamenetzky | The Los Angeles Lakers, NBA, and Anything  show

Summary: Thursday was a tough one for music fans across the globe, with the death of Prince. He was 57, and leaves behind a legacy in music and performance matched by few artists, if any. It was in the shadow of that news we went into the studio, and while the agenda changed pretty considerably, there was still plenty of good conversation on what became a day of remembrances, albeit very different ones. We started by welcoming the great Howard Beck of Bleacher Report, who covered Kobe Bryant for the L.A. Daily News from the time he was drafted through the end of the Shaq/Kobe era. With Howard's help, we look at the guy all of us have spent so much of our professional lives talking and writing about. Then, what's next for the Lakers, and how does Kobe's legend impact the answer? From there, Andy and I talk about the influence Prince had on us, why we loved the music, and why it's so difficult to digest the news that he's gone.