LENTCAzT 45 – Good Friday: The Twelfth Station

Fr. Z's Blog show

Summary: It is Good Friday in the Sacred Triduum. Coincidentally, it is the Feast of St. Dismas, the Good Thief. These 5 minute podcasts are intended to give you a daily boost in your discipline during this holy season.  http://www.wdtprs.com/lentcazt16/45_lentcazt16.mp3 I provide these podcasts again this year in gratitude to benefactors who help me and this blog through their donations, both monthly and ad hoc. Music is from Liturgy for Holy Week by the Choeur Gregorien De Paris.  Some of the best recorded Gregorian chant I have ever heard. These 5 minute podcasts are intended to give you a daily boost in your discipline during this holy season, Lent. One of the pieces used in this podcast is from the magnificent album from St. John Cantius in Chicago, Miserere: Music for Holy Week.  Haunting. In this podcast I mention Evelyn Waugh’s novel Helena. Click! USA HERE UK HERE Yesterday’s LENTCAzT HERE Share/Bookmark