ConsciousSHIFT with host Julie Ann Turner show

Summary: ConsciousSHIFT with Julie Ann Turner featuring E.R. HAAS / THE EXCELLENCE HABIT We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” — Aristotle What if there were a way to make it easier for ordinary people to produce extraordinary results? Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, E.R. Haas - CEO of ThinkTQ.com and author of THE EXCELLENCE HABIT - reveals that intentional excellence is the SINGLE HABIT so powerful, that it will change our lives, and the lives of every person we love. RECEIVE YOUR EXCELLENCE HABIT GIFT BOOK (FREE) HERE: >>> Genius.TQsmart.com E.R. will share with us that The Excellence Habit is "the conditioned response to consistently and automatically do the Right Things ... for the Right Reasons... in the Right Way... at the Right Time — without thinking. It is the instinctive propensity to choose Intentional Excellence over Intentional Mediocrity in every choice you make and every action you take." In this powerful interview, we'll discover: * How to rewire your brain for SUCCESS rather than mere SURVIVAL... * Why every single thought you think, every choice you make and every action you take MATTERS — far more than you might think... * How to become more EFFECTIVE, efficient, passionate and goal-centric... * How to live the life you LOVE, achieving all your hopes and dreams... We'll also discover how to overcome the 3 Dragons standing between you and success: * Negative Bias. * Cognitive Bias. * Forgetting to Remember. Join us on ConsciousSHIFT to learn: * How can I focus my thoughts on the good instead of the negative — the inspiring dreams of possibilities instead of settling for the mediocre acceptance of mere survival? * How can I develop new ideas and skills as tools to help me confidently achieve more of what I want? * How can I keep these new ideas top of mind, and repeat them until they are mastered? Join Julie Ann and E.R. to discover the answer: How to install The Excellence Habit™ deep within you. What Is TQ? E.R. Haas is the CEO of ThinkTQ.com, the world's leading publisher of virtual training products for personal and professional excellence. TQ is an acronym for Time Quotient, a measurement of the actions you take to produce the Results you get over Time. TQ measures how smart you ACT, not how smart you ARE. TQ is all about the Intentional Pursuit of Excellence through the systematic, sequential process of Self-Measurement... Self-Assessment... and Self-Improvement. TQ is a fundamental engine for personal and professional growth... an important discipline built around the idea that when excellence becomes your prevailing attitude, you succeed.