JACKIE MCMILLAN / THRIVING WITH AUTISM: Hope for Autistics, Our Health & Our World 03/16/16

ConsciousSHIFT with host Julie Ann Turner show

Summary: Autism is revealing the increasingly toxic world we live in - that is threatening the health of every one of us. Autistics are more sensitive to our toxic world - like the miner's canary, whose sensitivity alerted miners to a toxic atmosphere, the dramatic rise in autism points to underlying toxicity in our world that ultimately - and far more than we realize - affects the health of everyone. It is essential for all of us - not just those with autism or caring for them - to pay attention now, and learn about the toxic root causes that give rise to autism, as well as similar environmental factors that, according to the latest research, affect up to 70-90% of all disease.* The extent to which our toxic environment is behind many other diseases is not yet fully realized, but is likely affecting all of us to a greater or lesser extent. Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Jackie McMillan, founder of THRIVE WITH AUTISM (www.thrivewithautism.ca) and author of "The Five Root Causes of Autism" - has extensively studied her own life-long experience with autism [diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, or HFA (high-functioning autism)], as well as 36+ years of scientific research on the root causes, treatments and potential cures for symptoms all along the autism spectrum. RECEIVE YOUR "5 ROOT CAUSES" GIFT (FREE) HERE: >>> http://www.ThriveWithAutism.ca/ Jackie's "Five Root Causes" Model not only reveals this dynamic interaction among causes, but also reveals two more essential core causes of autism, in addition to the three causes traditionally cited by the medical community. In her model, the three historical causes are: • brain and nervous system injury • unresolved trauma • impaired immune function And the two new causes are: • impaired detoxification • gut dysbiosis As Jackie will share, these root causes have health implications for all of us - not just for the autistic community. And beyond that, Jackie beautifully and eloquently shares: "Chances are, you went to school with us: misfit, quirky, brilliant yet challenged. We are all around you. " Join Julie Ann and Jackie for an inspiring, important ConsciousSHIFT Show, that will not only expand your understanding and compassion for those who seem different - but also awaken your awareness about how the sensitive in our society may be our greatest assets, so we may recognize to the toxic threats emerging in our world, while we still have time to respond. *“70 to 90% of disease risks are probably due to differences in environments.” - Stephen Rappaport, Martyn Smith, “Environment and Disease Risks”, Science, Vol. 330, No. 6003, pages 460-461.