Deadwood 2x09 "Amalgamation and Capital"

HoopleCast: An IntroCast For HBO's Deadwood show

Summary: Episode Twenty-one. Emily of Yes, Mother and Sue Watches Buffy returns as our guest, and we're all impressed by mini-adult William Bullock. Al's palate rebels against Merrick's overzealous newspapering... Stacks of cash do not unburdened Mose of the guilt that stems from fratricide... Martha is a grade-A fucking class act... A horse declines a nutting by Fields and Hostetler, irrevocably shattering the lives of some of our citizens. ... Also, Alex invites us to drink pancake batter at the Oyster Bay. | Send feedback to Find our recording schedule, show notes, discussion threads, and more at | Recorded November 15, 2015. Released November 21, 2015. [Warning: Explicit Language.]