Deadwood 2x04 "Requiem for a Gleet"

HoopleCast: An IntroCast For HBO's Deadwood show

Summary: Episode Sixteen. Harold joins us for a "conversation" of this most gleetful of episodes. A disfigured road agent exacerbates Dan's very bad day... Al's stones are loosened by Jewel's sonic screams... William takes his pet oatmeal for a walk... E.B. berates Richardson, chef savant, but finds himself undone by Alma's feminine intuitions... Maddie continues to confound the hoopleheads with her bizarre behavior. ... Also, Paul revisits the sordid affair of Kitty LeRoy and her husband/killer Samuel R. Curley. | Send feedback to Find our recording schedule, show notes, discussion threads, and more at | Recorded September 13, 2015. Released September 18, 2015. [Warning: Explicit Language.]