#083: It’s Time to Fight for What You Want from Life

Live Life With Purpose with Adam Smith show

Summary: Living a great life is hardly ever easy, and most of it seems like a constant fight. That’s why these episodes are so important to listen to. They give a glimpse into some things that I have used personally to find success. No, I’m not even close to having everything figured out, but most people keep wisdom to themselves when they find it. I’m quite the opposite. If I find wisdom, I can’t wait to give it away, in hopes that you will maybe find something valuable that you can apply in your own life. So, if you’ve ever wondered, “Why has Adam and his team produced free content for the past five years?”, the answer is that we care about people. I figure that you are a good enough reason to do all of this, so I continue to provide value.<br> No matter what issues you’re facing, there’s an underlying truth applies to all of us — we have to learn how to fight. Things will not happen on their own. I’m sorry to break it to you, but a wish and a prayer is not enough. We need a plan, we need determination, and we need to be willing to put the work in.<br> Maybe you are fighting with waking up when you want to, or maybe you are fighting with spending enough time with your family, or maybe you are fighting with what to do with your business or career to make it better, or maybe you are fighting with making time for friends, or maybe you are fighting with what to do with your finances, or maybe you are fighting with the best ways to better your health. Whatever the case may be, there is hope for you. How do I know this? Because, you will never fight for something you don’t truly care about.<br> The fact that you are fighting with it and wrestling for good change in your life, tells me that at least an ounce of your being wants to become better in your needed area of change. And the best part of this is that striving to become better is the best start to change that you could ever have. Stop beating yourself up for not getting immediate results. It is a process to get to where you want to be, and that’s a beautiful thing. Life is intended to be a journey.<br> So, here are three ways you can be better prepared to fight for a better life right now:<br> <br> Surround yourself with people.<br> If we were all perfect, we wouldn’t need anyone else in our lives. Life is all about relationship, and when we give ourselves to that idea, we are able to not only strengthen ourselves, but those around us. In the midst of pain, in the midst of rejoicing, life is meant to be lived together. Within our relationships with family, friends, and even our business relationships, we can learn from those around us, and we can impart the wisdom we pick up along the way into the lives of others, as well. Nothing is gained when wisdom is kept to one’s self, but you must first believe in the power of relationship.<br> Here are twelve tips on how you can begin building more relationships right now:<br> <br> * Become known for having the most open schedule.<br> * Make it easy for everyone involved.<br> * Be yourself.<br> * Find common ground.<br> * Gather everyone together.<br> * Give hugs instead of handshakes.<br> * Listen.<br> * Keep eye contact.<br> * Ask better questions.<br> * Become better at remembering names.<br> * Be a giver of small gifts.<br> * Find ways to compliment others.<br> <br> Know what it is you are up against.  <br> Do you know what you want from life? If you do, that’s great. But, it’s time to not only know what you want from life — it’s time to take action. Stand tall, fight the good fight, and press forward. Too many times people will just take life as it comes to them, but if you already know what you want from life, there’s no point in standing around. Make a plan for action and go do something amazing. If your biggest fears seem too big to face, it’s time to fight. If it’s a current circumstance you are having to endure, it’s time to fight.<br> Only go for one thing.<br>