#084: How to Have Great Ideas

Live Life With Purpose with Adam Smith show

Summary: There are many great ideas that have been had over time that people gave up on, or forgot about, or just didn’t feel like working towards. Next week, I’ll tell you how you can produce better products with your great ideas, but this week I only want to focus on the idea stage. This is where the magic happens. This is where products are given life.<br> Here are three ways to begin having more great ideas right now:<br> <br> Great ideas are produced by living life and then entering the idea phase.<br> We can look at ideas from the past ten years, and see that they are different in many ways. The things that are available to us now comes from being able to put more time into research, more time to think up new ideas, and more time to test our own limits. Your ideas right now will hopefully be better than they were ten years ago. You have had ten more years of experience influencing your ideas — ten more years of taking action, ten more years of joy, and ten more years of struggle. Living life, and living it to the full, is the best way to have great ideas. If you are having trouble with coming up with new ideas, leave isolation and live more life. It is in every day living that fresh ideas will come, because the best ideas are birthed out of experience.<br> The experiences that have happened to you help shape the ideas that you have. Who your ideas are for and what problems your ideas help solve are based on how you see the world. Your personal needs and wants will even help form the direction you take with your life to impact the world. The possibilities are endless, but it is your journey that helps you find your place in the world. The reason that there are so many different ideas is that there are so many people in this world. We are all wired so differently, and that’s a beautiful thing. What becomes even more remarkable is when people ask the question, “Who else has the same idea as me?” When people ask this question and will find other people to join them, ideas become bigger and will spread faster. An even better question to ask is, “Who has different ideas than me and will collaborate?” Again, we need to live more life, find more people to join, and produce better ideas to better the world.<br> Great ideas are meant to be built upon.<br> The reason that I give you three or more ideas every post, is that maybe all three ideas won’t work for you, but most likely, at least one of them will. The other reason that I do this is because one idea is very rarely sufficient on its own. Ideas are meant to be built upon. If an idea comes to you, write it down to capture it, but don’t consider it your final idea. Your ideas are meant to connect the dots, so others can enjoy your creation. Very rarely are ideas completely original at first, but it is when you piece all of your ideas that fit together into a package where you create an original idea.<br> My own practice is to grab two ideas that have one similarity or more, to see how they relate and to see how they’re different. Once I have have an idea of how they fit together, I take two brand new ideas that are completely different from the first batch, and then find something similar between those two ideas. And at the end, I take the first result and the second result, which are opposite in some way, and then try to connect the dots between the opposites. This is where original ideas are born. I use this practice in my writing, but I learned the concept from the automotive industry. Car makers produce new types of cars given this formula. This is why we see vehicles by companies that look nothing like other cars they have produced in the past.<br> Great ideas require fascination. <br> Yes, the idea process that I just described is a time-consuming process. But, it produces original ideas, so I find that it’s worth it. At the core of all of this is a fascination for the product you want t...