#085: How to Create Better Products

Live Life With Purpose with Adam Smith show

Summary: Whether you are a writer, an entrepreneur, in management, or any other profession for that matter, at some point you will probably have some direct impact on helping create better products.<br> Last week, we discussed how we can have better ideas, but today I want to talk about taking those ideas and forming them into a better product. Why do we need to focus on this? Because the most valuable places in this world are graveyards. This is because each gravestone marks a body in the ground, which represents ideas that never went further than just an idea. I am positive that every individual that has left this earth did so with at least one great idea in their head, but the sad truth is that they did nothing with it. They had something more valuable than money in their possession, and they squandered it. So, how do we prevent this from happening?<br> Here are four ways you can create better products with your ideas right now:<br> <br> Create a great team.<br> Build a team with skills you don’t already possess, not only to speed up the process, but to make the product the best it can possibly be. I don’t do web design, not only because I don’t want to do, but because I am not good at it. I have never taken the time to learn coding, and I don’t plan on doing so. I’ve showed my inadequacies in this area many times in the past with my different blogs. I’m just good enough at design to break something, and then I am forced to scramble to make it work again before people get upset. It’s very frustrating and time consuming, so I decided long ago that I am best suited for other things. I tell you all of this to show that I know my strengths, and you should to. Know your strengths, build a better team around your strengths, but not with the same strengths, and create better products as a result.<br> Build better products that you need yourself. <br> The conversation centered around what people want and need is a very valuable conversation. Many surveys every year are conducted for this very reason, and companies pay other online companies big bucks to track how consumers use web pages, so they know how to display messages and ads online. It’s a huge industry, and it’s great to be ahead of the curve, but what if you don’t have the resources as a company to conduct these experiments yet? Your best option is to create something for yourself. Stop wondering what other people want and need, and start building something for yourself. Since you are a consumer of goods already, and you already have a basic understanding of what you want and need, maybe the best question to ask is, “What do I want to use?” If you began with step number one and already have a team, then maybe the best question is, “What would this team use on a daily basis?” As an example, I personally need an app that will tell me exactly where things are located in the grocery store so I can save time, so that’s where I should start.<br> Take your time. <br> I am cautious of the advice of “just do it”, because the more we adopt this slogan for our lives, the more likely we are to take every first product idea that comes our way and run with it. And let me tell you, very rarely is the first idea the best one. When you take your time with building a product, you have a better product in the end. No matter what profession you are in, taking your time can make all the difference in the world.<br> Revolutionize an industry that already exists.<br> Maybe the issue you are experiencing is trying to come up with a completely different category of product. While it would be amazing if you could create a new category, it is much more likely that you can make an already existing product or category better. Think about technology for a minute. How many more great ideas have there been in the area of technology over the past ten years?