090: What Is The History of Labor Day? - The Prepper Podcast

The Prepper Podcast show

Summary: Housekeeping:<br> <br> If you don’t know where to start in prepping, check out my resource page at <a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/gettingstarted">theprepperpodcast.com/gettingstarted</a>.<br> It is National Preparedness Month, what are you doing to prepare?  Hopefully that involves listening to me.<br> Don’t forget to give me a review at <a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/itunes">theprepperpodcast.com/itunes</a> or <a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/stitcher">theprepperpodcast.com/stitcher</a> and you could win a consulting call with me. <br> We will be doing the St. Jude heat in the Warrior Dash, because it’s not worth doing unless we raise some money for charity.  Go to <a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/warrior2015">http://theprepperpodcast.com/warrior2015</a> to donate.  Our minimum goal is $600 total, or $300 for each my wife and me.<br> <br> Topic:<br> What is Labor Day and Why is it Celebrated?<br>  <br> What are all the questions about Labor Day that need to be answered?:<br> <br> What is Labor Day?<br> What is the history of Labor Day?<br> When is Labor Day? or What is Labor Day’s date?<br> What is the labor union’s involvement in the history of labor day?<br> <br> What is Labor Day?<br> <br> Holiday said to celebrate the common working man or woman and how they have built the United States.<br> People take the day off for this, ironically enough.<br> <br> What is the history of Labor Day?<br> <br> First Labor Day Observance law passed Feb 21, 1887 in Oregon.<br> 30 states have followed suit by 1894.<br> June 28th congress passed an act that the first Monday in September will be the holiday.<br> <br> What is the labor union’s involvement in the history of labor day?<br> <br> Labor Day is lined with the blood of many workers that died at the hands of tyranny.<br> Pullman Strike:<br> <br> “Civil Conflict” between American Railway Union and Railroad workers against Pullman Company, General Managers’ Association, The U.S. Army, <br> <br> During the panic of 1893, Pullman Palace Car Company cut wages<br> George Pullman refused to lower rent for workers at same time<br> Many of the workers joined the American Railway Union<br> Response from General Manager’s Association was to hire black people (explain racism of the time) adding racial tension<br> In 1984 , after a peaceful rally for the strike, workers set fire to buildings and derailed a loco, and lots of sympathy strikers began striking across the western states<br> The federal government, under Grover Cleveland, had to get involved and an injunction was obtained barring union leaders from supporting the strike.<br> The American Railway Union ignored, so troops were called to enforce the injunction.<br> When a general Union Strike was called by Eugene Debs, president of the American Railway Union, but the other Unions opposed it.<br> Thousands of U.S. Marshals and 12000 U.S. Army troops were sent to stop the strike, because they wanted the mail running again.<br> When you send troops and wage war on angry people, they get more angry and try to fight back!<br> 30 Workers were killed and 57 wounded at the hands of the us military and us marshals<br> <br> <br> What did the media, have to say?:<br> <br> Of course they sided with government and ran smear campaigns against the boycotters<br> <br> <br> At the end of the strike:<br> <br> Debs was arrested, and got six months in prison<br> When this happened Grover Cleveland had to stop the potential riots, so congress quickly and unanimously signed within six days of the end of the strike.<br> <br> They didn’t want more strikes popping up.<br> <br> <br> After the fact, A national commission was appointed to investigate the strike, and found Pullman’s party and the operations of his town to blame for the strike.<br> They annexed his town to Chicago.<br> <br> <br>