Saturn in Sagittarius

The Astrology Podcast show

Summary: In the 45th episode of the podcast four astrologers join the show to talk about the upcoming ingress of Saturn in Sagittarius.<br> In the first half of the show I talk with Kelly Surtees and Austin Coppock about what Saturn in Sagittarius means from a broad symbolic perspective, as well as what it means for the world at large within the context of mundane astrology.<br> In the second half of the show I talk with Patrick Watson and Leisa Schaim about what Saturn in Sagittarius means within the context of natal astrology by looking at a collection of people who were born with it in that sign of the zodiac, and talking about what happened to them during their Saturn return.<br> Below you will find more information about each person who appeared on the show, followed by an outline of some of the different topics we covered, and then links to download or stream the recording of the episode:<br> Further Info on Saturn in Sagittarius<br> <br> Kelly Surtees recently published an <a href="" target="_blank">e-book on Saturn in Sagittarius</a>, which will be on sale at a discounted price on her website on September 18.<br> Austin Coppock wrote an essay about Saturn in Sagittarius in his <a href="" target="_blank">astrological almanac for 2015</a>, and he is also beginning two different <a href="" target="_blank">online classes</a> starting on September 26, the first being a four week course on dignity and rulership, and the second a six week class on the decans or faces.<br> Leisa Schaim authors a blog called <a href="" target="_blank">Saturn Return Stories</a>, has <a href="" target="_blank">lectured on the topic</a>, and also offers consultations that are geared towards people who are going through their <a href="" target="_blank">Saturn return</a>.<br> Patrick Watson wrote an extensive and excellent essay on his blog titled <a href="" target="_blank">Saturn in Sagittarius: The Skeptic, the Architect and the Luddite</a>, and has the distinction of being the only panelist on this episode that actually has Saturn in Sag in his birth chart.<br> Chris Brennan is an occasional contributor to Saturn Return Stories, authoring articles such as <a href="" target="_blank">Five Tips for Interpreting the Saturn Return</a>, and a tutorial on <a href="" target="_blank">How to Calculate Your Saturn Return</a>.<br> <br> Episode Outline<br> Part 1: Kelly, Austin, and Chris: Saturn in Sag, the Big Picture<br> <br> * Saturn moves into Sagittarius on September 17, 2015.<br> <br> * Stays in Sagittarius until December 19, 2017.<br> * Initial preview was from late December 2014 to mid-June 2015.<br> * Focal point around March 2015 with station at 4 Sag.<br> <br> <br> * Saturn in Sag themes<br> <br> * Movement, travel, getting from here to there.<br> * Literal themes of travel and transportation. The Chunnel. Space travel.<br> * The idea of that which is foreign or alien.<br> * Visions, big picture ideals, making these manifest in a way that is good enough.<br> * Saturn and the ability to assess and be discerning.<br> * The quest for direction and meaning.<br> * Integrity, justice, law.<br> <br> <br> * Big Aspects involving Saturn in Sag:<br> <br> * Saturn square Neptune: Dec 2015/June + August 2016<br> * Mars retrograde in Sag/Scorpio first half of 2016.