Astrology Forecast and Elections for November 2015

The Astrology Podcast show

Summary: In episode 51 Kelly Surtees and Austin Coppock join the show to discuss the astrology forecast for the upcoming month of November 2015.<br> During the course of the show we cover topics such as the first Saturn-Neptune square, the beginnings of the mutable T-square, a couple of mutual receptions, and various ingresses by different planets over the course of the month.<br> We also point out several different dates that contain auspicious planetary alignments for starting different types of ventures and undertakings, using the principles of electional astrology.<br> This episode was recorded live in front of an audience of our <a href="" target="_blank">Patreon supporters</a> through our monthly webinar format, and both and audio as well as a video recording of the episode is available.<br> The cover art for this episode is taken from the <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=B00RM4U31I&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=apoteastroblo-20&amp;linkId=EHHPVACW36N2HW4T" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">PlanetWatcher 2015 Astrological Calendar</a>, which is produced by New York City-based astrologer Kirk Kahn.<br> Below you will find an outline of some of the different topics that we touched on during the course of the show, followed by links to download or stream the recording.<br> News and Announcements<br> <br> * Chris is recently back from giving a three-day intensive on zodiacal releasing at the OPA retreat in California, and will be incorporating some of the material presented there into a new set of lectures on time-lord techniques for his online <a href="" target="_blank">course on Hellenistic astrology</a>.<br> * Austin is getting ready to present the final unit in fundamentals of astrology series, which will be on chart synthesis. This online class will take place November 21 through December 12. For more information visit his website at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.<br> * Kelly is presenting a lecture on secondary progressions as part of the online conference called <a href="" target="_blank">Rubicon: The Frontiers of Astrology</a> this Sunday, November 1.<br> <br> Astrology Forecast / General Show Notes<br> Major Alignments and Themes<br><br> <br> <br> * Saturn square Neptune, at 7 Sagittarius/ 7 Pisces. Exact by degree November 26 – December 5.<br> <br> * Next squares in June and September 2016.<br> * This will affect planets in all four mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) at 7 degrees.<br> <br> <br> * Superior conjunction of Sun and Mercury November 17.<br> * Venus in Libra November 8 – December 5. Will sextile Saturn at 5 Sagittarius around November 13 – 14, square Pluto November 21, opposite Uranus November 23<br> <br> * Venus back in dignity for the first time since rx.<br> <br> <br> * Mars back in Libra, site of his last rx (check in with Ukraine situation, which began on last rx station?). Mars also sextile Saturn at 6 Sagittarius, November 24.<br> * Mercury conjunct Saturn at 6 Sagittarius, November 25. So a few triggers to Saturn in Sag<br> * November 22nd: T-Square- Moon+Uranus Sq Pluto Sq Venus – feels!<br> * Nov 25th: Full Moon, big T-square- Sun-Sat-Merc Sq Neptune Sq Moon – messy mess.<br> * Discussions about the mutual receptions between Mercury and Mars in early November, and then Mercury and Jupiter later in November, as well as an extended digression about the concepts of mutual reception, dignity, and affinity.<br> * First Sun-Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius, and first time the Sun has been in Scorpio without Saturn in three years.<br> <br> Ingresses<br> <br> * Merc -&gt; Scorpio 2nd<br>